Leadership in lockdown: Socia’s response to the COVID crisis

We have produced a practical weekly note – to support leaders who need easily digestible hints and tips to help them cope in these exceptional times. As the lockdown has progressed the advice has moved from leading your team through the short term survival phase to dealing with the longer term demands on leaders as they shape their organisation to respond to a new normal. You can read the full series of these notes below.

Leadership lessons for a New Year

The turn of the year is always a time for both looking back, reflecting on the highs and lows of the last 12 months and looking forward with hope to the Spring to come. Given the exceptional circumstances of 2020 it’s all too easy to want to put last year behind us as...

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What teams don’t talk about on Teams

As leaders come to terms with the prospect of not being able to get their teams back into the office for face-to-face meetings for some months, it’s timely to reflect on what has been working well in on-line team meetings and what people are missing. It’s remarkable...

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Preparing for a new term…

As a very strange Summer begins to turn to Autumn many people’s thoughts are of a return. Return of children to school or University, return to the daily commute, return to leading office-based teams. But these are rarely if ever going to be returns to things as they...

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Managing virtual Board meetings

Board members and chairs have generally been impressed with the commitment of Board members to adapt to the constraints and realities of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, they report that in a virtual environment, Board meetings take more active management and more...

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Week 8: Many rivers to cross

Many analogies for leaders planning a major change use the image of crossing a river. They talk of building a bridge; starting with pathfinders feeling their way on stepping-stones, before raising bridge supports on solid foundations to carry the weight of the...

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