What BP can tell us about damage to reputation

Just heard the news that BP has won a reprieve over its Gulf of Mexico pay-outs. Since the Macondo disaster BP has paid out £7.8bn in compensation and estimates suggest that this could have risen to £9.6bn in the future! This cost has already damaged the company and...

Who joins things up…

I’ve been thinking a lot about the linkage between health services and social care services just recently for two reasons; a) Alex and I are writing a presentation on collaboration and leadership that we are going to give at a health service conference later in the...

Chemistry, communication and coalition

Have a look at this article on collaborative working across the public sector. It has a nice quote from our clients at the Judicial Studies Board. > Read the article

What our politicians can learn from the motor trade

On April 7th Renault, Nissan and Daimler announced the sort of wide ranging strategic that would have been unthinkable even a few years ago in the ultra-competitive world of car manufacturing. Across many industry sectors leaders have learned that they can’t survive...

Collaborative Leadership in RSA Journal

The Royal Society of Arts (RSA) has published two pieces about our work in their recent journal. The paper copy of the journal has an interview and profile of David Archer, and discusses why ‘strong characters are not always the best bosses’. The on-line version of...

Collaborative Leadership 360° feedback

One of the things that many people ask us when talking about collaboration is ‘What makes a good collaborative leader?’ Sometimes they are asking for themselves and the question is really – ‘Am I a good collaborative leader and what do I need to get better at?, and...

The lesson of slime mould – collaboration in tough times

The life form that really excites us from the collaborative point of view is pretty unprepossessing – it’s slime mould, the nasty reddish jelly-like stuff you sometimes find under half-rotted bark. Slime mould has fascinated scientists for decades. It’s hard to...

Collaborative Leadership book

Please leave your comments about the book, by David Archer and Alex Cameron. The book aims to promote the emerging body of knowledge on how to deliver results across boundaries and get more from your business critical relationships. We officially launched the book on...

Why we wrote the book

In the 8 years since we founded Socia we have seen Politicians and Directors putting more and more reliance on new forms of cross-organisational structures – there are called many things PFI, business partnerships, joint ventures, multi agency initiatives. But they...