Leadership development for uncertain times

These are difficult times for leaders. Political leaders, business leaders, third sector leaders all find themselves having to deal with greater uncertainty as the impact of the 2008 crash continues to rumble around global economies. And the consequences of living in...

Dealing with fragmentation in the Health system

Being asked to speak at the Quality and Safety in Healthcare conference in Paris. This is a significant event with 3000 delegates from all over the world focused on improving healthcare in many different systems. This was a great opportunity to share the lessons from...

Collaboration lessons for mega-projects

Mega-projects and collaboration I’ve just come back from a 2 week trip to the US and as always a bit of distance gives some interesting perspectives on the state of UK industry. For a start, many of the people I met were very complimentary about the capabilities of UK...

What does the case of the Co op Bank tell us about Mutual Boards

The recent news concerning Paul Flowers’ Chairmanship at Co op Bank has shone a bright light on the make-up of the Boards of Mutual organisations. Many commentators have expressed surprise that a major high street brand name should have “a plasterer, a nurse and a...

Nelson Mandela and the importance of succession

So much has been written about the qualities and attributes that made Nelson Mandela such an inspirational leader. His abilities to build relationships, handle conflict and share control were of the highest order – and his focus on the future not allocating...

What the Health System could learn about collaboration

Once again another awful story about the failure to protect the vulnerable in the health system, then another story about unacceptable pressures on emergency care. the first reaction is often to set up another review – the ‘something must be done’...

Collaboration / Reputation and the “one-off” dilemma

The complex programme of work that went into building the London 2012 Olympic Park has been hailed as a great success and proof of a growing capability in the UK for large organisations to work together collaboratively. And yet you also hear a counter argument that...

What does diversity in the Boardroom really need?

The gender on UK Boards is in the news again. The Independent reports that the proportion of female directors of FTSE 100 companies has risen to 19 per cent, up from 12.5 per cent two years ago. This sounds like progress but we also hear that Angela Ahrendts of...

Collaboration lessons from the President’s room

With President Obama still locked in a battle with Republican Representatives over the Federal Budget its interesting to hear about how an earlier President managed his relationship with Congress in a much more collaborative way. On the Today programme on Radio 4 this...