A Bolder Braver Better 2015

The space between Christmas and New Year is a great time for reflection and catching up on that pile of reading that has been building up in the ‘Quite Interesting’ section of the to-do list. It’s also traditionally a time for looking forward with a sense of hope and...

Socia Board survey quoted in the Financial Times

FT columnist Stefan Stern has written an article on the learning that private, public and 3rd sector Boards can take from one another which quotes from the Socia Board surveyand Board leadership seminar. You can read his article on the FT website (full access may...

The cost of coalition

The dust is settling on the UK 2015 election with self-congratulation for the victors and the ritual resignations of the losers. There were many factors which made this election unique, but most important, if you are interested in collaboration, is that this was an...

The cost of coalition to smaller parties

In recent days we’ve been reflecting on the outcome of the UK General Election, the high cost of the ending of the coalition to the Liberal Democrats and what lessons there are to learn for business partnerships. Alex posted a blog on LinkedIn highlighting the...

Improving Board Performance across sectors

Board members from different sectors have much to learn from one another – and perhaps all could benefits from using a common framework for evaluating their performance. Click here to listen to Alex and David discussing the lessons that emerge from the recent...

Systems leadership

Systems leadership – the dangerous illusions and how to avoid them Whilst we are still awaiting publication of Sir Stuart Rose’s report on the management of the NHS there have been plenty of newspaper leaks suggesting that he will back earlier work from the Kings Fund...

Collaboration in the Boardroom

The design of a Board requires effective collaboration between Executive and Non-Exec Directors – but that’s not easy. Click here to listen to Alex and David discussing the challenges of encouraging effective collaboration in the Boardroom. listen to the...

Collaborative leadership and Coalition Government

With a UK general election fast approaching what lessons do politicians need to learn from business leaders about working in coalitions? Click here to listen to David and Alex discussing how collaborative leadership capability may be a key element of building an...

Collaborative leadership: Lessons from the Underground

Leaders at London Underground have had to learn some hard lessons in collaboration over the years. Their story has a lot to teach the rest of the world. Click here to listen to Alex and David discussing the lessons they have learnt from working with leaders at LU over...