What Boards are missing in lockdown

With the first steps out of lockdown, Boards are reflecting on the positives and minuses of virtual working over the last year. Here we summarise their challenge as they look ahead. Virtual working has helped Board efficiency First the positives. Board members have...

What do we talk about when we talk about trust?

Inter-organisational trust is different to inter-personal trust. In human relationships we use the language of trust when we talk about personal loyalty, of people caring for each other in sickness and in health, and always looking after a friend’s best interests. But...

Not knowing and still leading – February reflections

“TS Elliot may have said that April is the cruellest month – but February is giving it a run for its money this year” There’s no doubt that leading an organisation is a tough job right now – as that quote from a colleague shows. And there’s nothing...

Leadership lessons for a New Year

The turn of the year is always a time for both looking back, reflecting on the highs and lows of the last 12 months and looking forward with hope to the Spring to come. Given the exceptional circumstances of 2020 it’s all too easy to want to put last year behind us as...

What teams don’t talk about on Teams

As leaders come to terms with the prospect of not being able to get their teams back into the office for face-to-face meetings for some months, it’s timely to reflect on what has been working well in on-line team meetings and what people are missing. It’s remarkable...