
Socia has been asked to carry out a Board Effectiveness Review for the Board of the National Wealth Fund. This organisation is formed from the UK Investment Bank and is tasked to drive investment and growth across the UK economy. This follow Socia’s work with...


Socia has been chosen to carry out a Board Effectiveness Review at the Government Property Agency – following a similar review we completed in 2021. The Government Property Agency (GPA) was established in 2018 as an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office and...


Alex Cameron from Socia participated as part of a team of presenters from the Board Effectiveness Guild in a Governance Magazine webcast. This event focused on Stakeholder perspectives on Board Reviews. Alex’s contribution concentrated on managing the...


Socia has been commissioned to carry out an external Board Evaluation for the Royal Mint Board. The Royal MInt is at a pivotal point as a business, and the Board has the challenge to enable the business to innovate moving into new markets with new products. The shares...


Socia has been awarded the contract to conduct a Board effectiveness review for the Heritage Fund. The Heritage Fund is classified as a Non-departmental Public Body (NDPB) with a local, regional, and national remit to fund heritage projects across the UK. The 10...